Pershing Academy of Learning » General Information

General Information

On September 15, 2009, the Alcoa City Board of Education named the alternate school program the Pershing Academy of Learning to honor the memory of Mr. Dennis Pershing. Mr. Pershing lovingly served the students of Alcoa High School from July 13, 1982 to December 18, 2006. Alcoa City Schools is undergoing a major renovation of Pershing Academy of Learning (PAL), an alternative school program.

Alcoa City Schools is undergoing a major renovation of Pershing Academy of Learning (PAL), an alternative school program. The school board approved a $1.2 million budget for the project, which will transform the building from its former fire hall use. Currently serving high school students, PAL focuses on credit recovery, behavioral support, and emotional support for students facing challenges. Due to increasing needs, the school district plans to expand the program to include grades 5-12.

The renovation will include:
  • Separate entrances for different grade levels
  • Complete rewiring of the building
  • Expanded classroom space
  • New bathrooms, conference rooms, and counseling areas
  • Improved safety features

The goal of the expansion is to provide more students with the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally, ultimately returning them to a traditional classroom setting. Alcoa City Schools believes that investing in the social and mental well-being of students is crucial for their overall success.
*Click the image below to learn more about Alcoa City Schools' expanding vision as reported by WVLT. 
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