Coordinated School Health

Coordinated School Health (CSH) is a health-based program designed to connect health (physical, emotional, and social) with learning. CSH improves children’s health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities, and schools working together. Alcoa City Schools' CSH encourages healthy lifestyles and provides needed support to teachers and counselors, as well as to students to help reduce the prevalence of health problems that impair academic success.


Coordinated School Health is a systematic approach to promoting student health that emphasizes needs assessment; planning based on data, sound science, and analysis of gaps and redundancies in school health programming; and evaluation.


The CSH approach consists of eight major components. By definition, all Coordinated School Health Components work together to improve the lives of students and their families. Although these components are listed separately, it is their composite that allows CSH to have such a positive impact on the lives of our students, staff and community.


The eight components of CSH include:

  1. Health Education
  2. Health Services
  3. Counseling
  4. Psychological and Social Services
  5. Nutrition
  6. Physical Education/Physical Activity
  7. School Staff Wellness
  8. Healthy School Environment and Student/Parent/Community Involvement
  • Vision Screening - PreK, K, 2, 4, 6, and 8 
  • Hearing Screening - Pre K, K, 2, 4, 6, and 8 
  • Blood Pressure - K, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 1 year of high school (typically a wellness class) 
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) -  K,2,4, 8, & 1 year of high school (typically a wellness class)


Health Screening Information: 
The State of Tennessee requires various screenings for students in grades PreK, K, 2, 4, 6, 8, and in the Lifetime Wellness Classes at Alcoa High School. Please note that there is no charge for these screenings. The students will be screened for: blood pressure, body mass index, hearing, and vision.
Trained individuals will complete all screenings and strict adherence to confidentiality of each student will be maintained. These are only screenings. They do not provide a diagnosis. Any referrals should be shared with your child’s physician during their yearly check-up. Also, don’t forget that children should also visit their dentist for routine cleaning and check-ups every six months.
The goal of the screenings is to monitor health trends, monitor student growth, and possibly discover a condition that could impair learning.  Remember, if an abnormal value is discovered, you will be notified concerning the matter.
Screenings will be conducted via the State of Tennessee Guidelines and an additional screening/physical can be provided, if requested, by Well Child. 
Sports Physical Form: 
TSSAA Pre-participation Physical Evaluation Form:
Health Services: 
Alcoa City Schools is very fortunate to have nurses stationed in every school.
AES- Hannah Roberson, RN
AIS- Stephanie Clay, RN
AMS- Ashley Fipps, RN
AHS- Christy Lauderback, RN
Float Nurse- Kelsey Zirges, RN
Other Health Links/Tips: